• The unfair procedures in the Trump impeachment

    Rob Natelson wrote an earlier essay on this subject in the Epoch Times. However, this posting contains substantial additions and other differences and has been updated.

    A “high misdemeanour” is “a crime of a heinous nature, next to High Treason.” — Encyclopaedia Britannica (1778)

    America has a no lack of organizations allegedly concerned about civil liberties. They and their law-professor allies squawk loudly if any celebrated thug isn’t treated with strict procedural fairness.

    But the impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump is another matter. Never mind that the sovereign power of the U.S. Congress has been launched to crush a private citizen. Never mind that the proceedings are grossly unfair on multiple counts. The “civil libertarians” have either fallen silent or joined the wolf pack.

    On any test of fairness, the Trump impeachment proceedings fail badly. Consider the Article of Impeachment itself.  It alleges no crime. It merely claims that Trump lied and pressured people and that he somehow could have “foreseen” violence. Of course politicians frequently lie and applying pressure is inherent in the political game.

    To continue reading this story, please click (HERE):

    Posted by youmustpay @ 7:56 pm for Current Affairs, Liberal Logic |

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