• David Ramsden-Wood, Hitachi Vantara O&G Business Development; #hottakeoftheday, Author, Observer of intellectual inconsistency and caller of BS as required

    It’s… about …. time.
    For far too long, the oil and gas industry has gone along to get along. The substantial platforms of our majors and their marketing budgets and trade associations have placated, instead of attacked, and been quiet, passive, and accepting. If we learned anything as a society in 2020, it’s that the media is propaganda tool for those pushing an agenda. Narrative is controlled and bought. Full stop.

    Before we get to the #hottakeoftheday “Hero of the Year” award (hint, it’s Chris Wright of Liberty Oilfield Services), let’s look at Engine No. 1’s proxy battle with Exxon. Here is a hedge fund that owned 0.02% of ExxonMobil’s stock, or roughly 8.5 mm shares and bought at roughly $40/share (~$340 mm). Their proxy battle cost $30 mm which represents ~9% cost on the total position.

    Do we REALLY think that Engine No. 1 paid for that?  They have 3 new directors, with a press machine and a “hedge fund” behind them that is happy to spend money to influence the energy transition narrative and investment outcomes.

    Which brings us to Chris Wright and the battle the industry has had with The North Face, a VF Company. A CEO is in a unique position to use their platform to counteract one narrative with another.

    Me? I love energy. Our life is enabled by energy. And the virtue signaling of those that don’t want to acknowledge the role oil and gas plays in our economy is getting really old. So… Chris. Thank you.

    The video is below, and I encourage you to watch it and share it. He says it better than I ever could.

    It’s…. about…. time.



  • If you watch one thing on Dems blocking coronavirus relief, make it this.
    The American people are losing their jobs left and right and Democrat Speaker of the House Pelosi is holding them hostage with partisan demands.
    This speech from Wyoming Senator John Barrasso is worth every minute of your time.
    Tax breaks for solar panels? For wind turbines? Democrats are holding up a rescue mission for the American people over airline emissions?! These are worthy topics for discussion, but NOT ON THIS BILL. The American public needs IMMEDIATE relief!
  • Great #leadership lessons.
    I love watching this….
    First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

  • Mr. Lemon then invited comment from two CNN regulars named Rick Wilson and Wajahat Ali. Much laughter ensued on the set as the CNN pundits took turns pretending to be Trump voters. Here’s an excerpt from the transcript:

    WILSON: [Mr. Pompeo] also knows deep in his heart that Donald Trump couldn’t find Ukraine on a map if you had the letter U and a picture of an actual physical crane next to it. He knows that this is, you know, an administration defined by ignorance of the world, and so that’s partly him playing to their base and playing to their audience, you know, credulous boomer rube demo that back Donald Trump, that wants to think that Donald Trump’s a smart one, and y’all — y’all elitists are dumb.

    ALI: You elitists with your geography and your maps and your spelling even though —

    WILSON: Your math, your reading.

    ALI: Yes, your reading, you know. Your geography knowing other countries. Sipping your latte.

    WILSON: All those lines on the map.

    ALI: Only them elitists know where Ukraine is. Sorry. I apologize.

    LEMON: Oh my God.

    ALI: But you know what — it was Rick’s fault. I blame Rick.

    LEMON: Oh my God.

    ALI: But in all honesty —

    WILSON: Blame Rick, why not.

    ALI: — you know what NPR should do.

    LEMON: Sorry, hold on. Wait, wait. Give me a second. Hold on. Hold on. That was good. Sorry. Rick, that was a good one. I needed that. OK, so listen let’s go back to business here.

  • If she’s going to forgive student debt, this voter wants a tuition refund.

    Presidential campaigns always try to stay on script, but the handshake game in early states still offers interesting spontaneity. Case in point: After an Elizabeth Warren event this week in Grimes, Iowa, a voter challenged her plan to forgive student debt.

    It’s all captured on tape. As C-Span’s camera rolls, a man approaches Ms. Warren and says hello: “I just wanted to ask one question. My daughter’s getting out of school. I’ve saved all my money. She doesn’t have any student loans.” Ms. Warren nods and says, “God bless you.”

    Then the shoe drops.

    “Am I going to get my money back?” the man asks.

    Ms. Warren has proposed to cancel $640 billion in student loans, up to $50,000 a person. She says this would help 42 million Americans. But there’s no provision to reimburse the millions of others who worked hard, saved money, and put themselves or their children through college.

    “Of course not,” Ms. Warren replies.

    The man gets agitated. “So you’re going to pay for people who didn’t save any money,” he says, “and those of us who did the right thing get screwed.” He continues: “My buddy had fun, bought a car, went on vacations. I saved my money. He made more than I did, but I worked a double shift, worked extra. My daughter’s worked since she was 10.”

    To continue reading this story, please click (HERE):

U.S. National Debt

The current U.S. national debt:


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