• Protesting students get a personal lesson about fossil fuels.

    St John’s College, Oxford PHOTO: GETTY IMAGES

    When most people think of Oxford, what comes to mind are images of bright minds debating quantum physics or the existence of God. But even the brainiest sometimes need a lesson in common sense.

    That’s exactly what the bursar at St. John’s College—the most richly endowed college at Oxford—delivered when he responded to students occupying his 15th-century quadrangle and refusing to leave until the college divested its oil-company shares. The students want the college to sell the more than $10 million of its endowment now invested in Shell and BP, and they want it now.

    The Times of London reports that bursar Andrew Parker made them a counteroffer. “I am not able to arrange any divestment at short notice,” he wrote. “But I can arrange for the gas central heating in college to be switched off with immediate effect. Please let me know if you support this proposal.”

    To continue reading this story, please click (HERE):

    Posted by youmustpay @ 11:36 am for Common Sense, Current Affairs, Liberal Logic, Man-made Climate Change Isn't Real |

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