• Things I Don’t Understand

    by Joseph M. Valenzano

    June 24, 2020

    Rioters and protesters tore down the monuments to Francis Scott Key, author of the Star-Spangled Banner, our National Anthem, and the statue of Father Junipero Serra, founder of the Spanish Missions in California. The monument to Christopher Columbus in NYC was defaced as was St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The New York Museum of Natural History just decided to remove the statue of Teddy Roosevelt, which has stood at the entrance of the museum since 1940.

    It seems that young revolutionaries want to rewrite our history, but how is that possible? You cannot erase history; you can only learn from it. George Santayana once wrote, “ those who ignore the lessons of history are condemned to repeat it .” So, I am wondering, if we consciously try to erase history and rewrite it as we believe it should have been, how will we ever learn of the mistakes we made in the past so that they will not be made again? But here’s a thought: Why not get back to teaching history instead of advocacy in schools?

    1. So, if a police officer shoots a criminal after being assaulted by that criminal, it is the cop’s fault, but if a criminal shoots someone, it’s the gun’s fault? Help me understand that, please.
    2. I have lived in America for all my 73 years. I am probably old-fashioned, but it has been my experience that police typically leave you alone if you are not doing illegal stuff. So here is another thought: How about teaching our kids to be responsible for their actions and respect police, adults, and senior citizens? This is a process that begins in the home.
    3. Does Black Lives Matter (BLM) include aborted black babies, murdered black police officers, black on black killings, or does BLM respond only when a white police officer kills a black man or woman?
    4. So, now the classic movie Gone with the Wind has been removed, and high school students no longer are asked to read the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain or To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.. They are banished from school curricula. That is sad and a significant loss from an educational perspective.

    Does anyone remember Hattie McDaniel? She was the first black American actress to win an Oscar for her performance in – wait for it – Gone with the Wind. Is her name and performance now cast aside and gone forever because of the new revolutionaries telling us what we can and cannot read or see?

    1. Rest in Peace Aunt Jemimah (1893-2020) and Uncle Ben (1943-2020). Cause of death: Liberal Stupidity. Whatever happened to Common Sense?
    2. Why would President Barack Hussein Obama have a Presidential Library? What the hell would it contain?
    3. In the last four years, can you name any piece of legislation, any program that benefited America and Americans coming from the Democrats? What exactly have they done over the last four years? Come to think of it, Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate for President and former VP under Barack Hussein Obama, is an enigma. He has been in government 51 years! What exactly has he done for America and Americans in all those years? What is his platform?
    4. The Prophet Mohammed was a pedophile, murderer, and slave trader. Why are there no riots to burn down mosques? How about the Pyramids of Egypt? Slaves built them. Why are there no riots and efforts to destroy these? Ditto for The Great Wall of China.
    5. Maybe its just me, but if I have a problem with my faucets, drains, or showers, I call a plumber to help. If I have a question about taxes, I call my accountant. If I have a fever or upset stomach, I call my doctor. But if I want advice on politics or economics or international relations, I would not be inclined to call Lebron James or any other athlete. How about you?
    6. I read where Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was laughing, and high-fiving people for scamming the Trump Rally in Oklahoma and having teens and others register for advance tickets to it and not show up. Fascinating! But here’s a question: If these liberal democrats can do this, what will they do with mail-in voting?
    7. I find it ironic and a bit humorous that the very first thing the insurrectionist wanna-be tough guys who took over a six square block segment of Seattle did was – wait for it – build a wall! Why did they do that? (Don’t answer, I think I figured it out)
    8. I read earlier today that rioters in California tore down the statue of Ulysses S. Grant, former President and General, who defeated the Confederacy and wreaked havoc on the KKK in South Carolina. He was vehemently opposed to slavery.

    Wonder what he did so wrong as to elicit the ire of the mob? Could it be that the mob was not so concerned about Blacks but more concerned about simply tearing down everything to do with America?

    Makes you really wonder about just what BLM and Antifa stand for, doesn’t it? And who the hell oversees these well-orchestrated riots?

    You see, a mob has a leader, so who is the leader? George Soros? Barack Hussein Obama and OFA? Someone is calling the shots to undermine our way of life. I’d really like to know. Wouldn’t you?

    1. Sometimes I find myself wondering why we are so obsessed with trying to find intelligent life on other planets when we can’t seem to find intelligent life right here on Mother Earth?
    2. Someone needs to explain to me why the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports 57,000 COVID-19 deaths, and the media reports over 120,000 deaths. Why the disparity?

    Equally, I would like to know the distinction between those who died from COVID-19 and those who died with COVID-19.

    Am I just not smart enough to understand these things?

    But here is what I do understand and for which I need no explanation:

    Americans live in the greatest country on planet earth, and I have been all over this world so I can make that statement.

    We the People have the most excellent medical care in the world.

    We the People earned more Nobel Prizes than any nation earth by a factor of ten.

    We the People have pioneered the exploration of space and are innovators in technology.

    We the People have accumulated more wealth and prosperity than any other country on the globe and have the highest standard of living known to man.

    We the People have abolished slavery, prevailed in two World Wars, and saved Europe twice in the 20th century. Instead of reaping the spoils of war, we invested in rebuilding Europe and Japan in the aftermath of the devastation of WWII. And we did all of this in 244 years as compared to other nations whose histories go back millennia!

    America is a free country and, if you don’t like it here, you don’t need to destroy other people’s property and businesses to satisfy your primal, uncontrolled emotions, nor do you have to tear down our historical monuments. You can pack up and leave.

    I’m just guessing about this, but I bet if I looked carefully, I would not see any anchors on your ass keeping you here.

    In a few days, we will be celebrating Independence Day, the Birthday of our Nation. It is a golden opportunity to put aside personal differences and salute the fact that we all wake up every day as free men and women thanks to those who paid the ultimate price for that privilege.

    Happy Birthday, America!

    Joseph M. Valenzano

    Posted by youmustpay @ 6:32 pm for Common Sense, Current Affairs, Liberal Logic |

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